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Technicians - Part III

In well-known fields of Engineering, such as Aircraft manufacturing or Motor Vehicle design, expert Technicians put theoretical principles to practice through innovative ideas. They experiment with their ideas and develop optimal solutions for the end users.  Agreed that there are always  some  technical glitches in any manufactured product. But the very high quality and rigorous tests conducted by the Technicians in these fields identify as many risks to their product as possible. If you look at What some European car Companies (Mercedes or BMW) do for their tests, you'll know. When it comes to Software Engineering, Tests are rigorous, too ( not in Quality but in Quantity) But is the Number of Tests consistently effective in answering critical questions? I think not. If you disagree, I'd like to hear more from you. Isn't Software the same as other fields of Engineering?  I bet that every Software Engineer true to their profession would give you an e...

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Technicians - Part II

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